When your employment plans change: now what?

Sometimes we strategically plan and change still happens: a new job gets revoked, an internship is suspended. Unforeseeable changes can happen at any time, which can cause disruption in your career or job search.  This COVID-19 pandemic is leaving a number of our students and graduates with surprise news about jobs and promotions.  

In our experience, we have come to know that job seekers who are agile and willing to consider multiple job scenarios, pivot to a new context and respond with a bias to action will be more flexible and successful in this type of ambiguous market. 

Have you had–or are you worried about–any changes in your job status?  Here are a few resources to help you build out your strategy and backup plan to ensure that you are prepared.  Coming to see a coach can help you work through what your own action plans are; schedule an appointment today in Handshake.

Do You Have a Backup Plan?

How to create a career back up plan

Read More Here

By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center