Do you know what you value most in work?

When exploring what career or job you would like to pursue, it is important to not only identify your skills, but also to reflect on your goals and aspirations about what your workday will look like. Taking time to identify and understand what you value at work can help guide you as you explore what characteristics to seek out in potential opportunities so that you may find a role to which you feel deeply committed.

In the W. P. Carey Career Blueprint, you can access the Values Assessment on pages 22-24, where you will rank what you consider the most important to least important parts of your daily work. This will give you the framework for assessing your priorities as they relate to the roles you research, companies and industries you want to explore, and the questions you will want to ask during informational interviews. Keep in mind that these values may change over time based on your circumstances, so it is a good idea to re-evaluate from time to time.

Complete the attached worksheet prior to meeting with your coach.

Blueprint Values Assessment

Integrating Values Into Your Career

Read More Here


By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center