Consider Building on Your Connection with a Second Meeting

We know that conversations during recruiting events can be rushed due to limited time. Was there something you wanted to talk about or ask but didn’t get a chance to do so? Take your connection a step further and set up another meeting! This is your chance to continue the conversation and ask those questions. 

For the second meeting, prepare in-depth follow-up questions based on what you learned in the previous conversation. This is an opportunity for you to dig deeper to learn more about the company and what they are looking for, as well as for the contact to understand who you are personally and what you bring to the table. 

Requesting a second meeting shows you are both a motivated candidate and very interested in their organization – qualities recruiters like to see in potential candidates. However, you’ll need to ensure you are prepared to make the meeting valuable, or you risk souring any positive impression you made initially. Consider meeting with your coach to navigate whether or not a second meeting will increase the chances of them advocating for you during the hiring process. 


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By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center