What can you do with your management degree?

Surprise! Did you know you have been asking the wrong question? It is not about what you can do with your management major, but rather is about identifying what you want to do, and then how you leverage your major to get you there. As a management major, you can leverage your degree in a number of career paths post-graduation – and no one option is the ‘correct’ or ‘best’ for all students. Exciting, right? We also know that this can be overwhelming; with so many options, how do you target your search? 

Start by breaking down the different paths. As you can see on the Management Map, you can start by breaking down your interests by industries and functions. Do you really love technology, retail, or hospitality? Great, start there. Next, think through what type of work interests you the most – such as human resources, project management, or marketing.  Reminder: targeting your interests does not mean you are closing doors, it means prioritizing the opportunities you look for so that the search process is less overwhelming! As you explore, it is okay to change your mind, but you have to anchor yourself somewhere to start.

Once you’ve identified your top 3-5 interests in Industry and Function, engage in some market research and networking to test your assumptions and confirm your interest. You can also work with your career coach to direct your exploration. 

Market Research: The next step to clarify your career goal

Labor Market Insights 

Networking When You Have No Network

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By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center