W. P. Carey Alumni Share Words of Encouragement for New Graduates

We asked W. P. Carey Alumni: What encouragement would you share with new graduates?

Here are is what they shared:

  • Be Open and Flexible With Your Search
  • Attend the ASU Career Fairs
  • Keep Meeting People and Take the Long-Term View
  • Do What Works for You
  • Make The Best Use of Your Time

Be Open and Flexible With Your Search

If you are not finding the right job as you graduate- consider widening your lens. Have you possibly put a lot of “filters” on opportunities and may be missing out on possible opportunities? A great way to start is to create a wish list of what the ideal position looks like to you, then pick the “must have” top 3 – 5. The rest should then be considered “nice to have” or maybe workable over time. For instance, you may find a great role but the location is not your first pick- possibly take the role with the company and then move internally in 1- 2 years to the ideal location.

Michelle Tinsley, MBA Finance & Supply Chain ‘99, YellowBird Holdings Inc

Attend the ASU Career Fairs

Put on your best business professional outfit, write your elevator pitch, and go to the ASU Career Fair. I know going to the Career Fair can be awkward and they don’t have the coolest companies in the world, but you have a nice long, glorious career ahead and you just need to start somewhere.

After losing my post-grad dream job (COVID) and applying to every job I was remotely qualified for / interested in on LinkedIn with zero response, I went to the ASU Career Fair. The results? Employment with an opportunity that was right for me. Was it my dream job? Not even close! But I had a job that paid me very nicely and gave me tons of opportunities which prepared me for the role I have now and love. You Got This!  

Kennedy Voigt, BA Business Communication ‘19, Barrett-Jackson Auction Company

Keep Meeting People and Take The Long-Term View

While we have experienced incredibly unusual times over the last few years, it’s actually a great time for recent college graduates to find employment. More of the leverage is in the employee’s hands today. Companies are struggling to find the best talent and are making competitive offers to attract the right people. My advice is to start building your network now – meet as many people as possible from different industries and backgrounds. And understand that it’s a long-term view of success – many grads will be working for another 40 years. So, nurture your relationships for the long-term, enjoy the journey and don’t worry too much about the destination – you will get there. 

Sam Alpert, BA Journalism ‘02, Executive MBA ‘18, Junior Achievement of Arizona

Do What Works for You

Be sure to choose a career path or industry that interests you and aligns with your values. The pandemic forced so many of us to reevaluate our priorities, personally and professionally, and one of my biggest takeaways is to feel like a person of value rather than just a number in the workplace. If you’re unsure of where to start, reach out to an employment agency or career coach. I enjoy working in the entertainment industry but more importantly, I value being at an organization that promotes flexibility and prioritizes wellness.

Kelsey Carter, BS Business Management ‘20, Starz Entertainment

Make The Best Use of Your Time

I would say when it comes to getting a job in today’s workforce it’s not going to come easy getting that dream job. Do your research on the company before accepting an offer or interviewing. Make the best use of your time if something good comes across your way, use it as a stepping block to get to where you want to go. Figure out your direct end goal asap and work towards that and only that! Strive for what you deserve and not what you are just offered, cause you are worth more than that. 

Dajon Coleman, BS Business Law ‘15,  SHIFT

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By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center