View Spring Recruiting Events and Register Now!

Attending a career fair? Join us for a Career Fair Prep Workshop by registering here.

Identify the engagement strategies that suit your brand best.

Whether you’re looking for current undergraduate students, recent graduates, or MBA or master’s students, find ways to engage with candidates who can give your company an edge on day one below.


New to ASU? Join our online recruiting platform

Create a user account: You will need a user account to login and utilize Handshake. This resource explains the process with details and screenshots. Handshake has many worthwhile features for employers:

  • Job and internship postings
  • Student profile searches
  • Direct communication with candidates
  • Virtual event hosting and registration
  • Virtual and in-person interview scheduling

Join your existing company on Handshake, or create a new one: You will need to be connected to your company profile on Handshake prior to taking any actions. If your company is in Handshake, it should pull up based on the domain of your email address. If it isn’t, you should see the option to create a new company profile. Learn more here.

Request to connect with Arizona State University: You must request and receive approval from ASU prior to taking any actions. You can choose schools to connect with during your sign-up process, and can always select more at any time afterward. To learn how to choose additional schools, check out this article.


Post jobs and internships

Advertise full-time and professional internship opportunities to students by posting your open career opportunities in Handshake. This will allow you to target specific audiences, receive applicant packages directly in your inbox, and more. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a new posting in Handshake, check out this article.

Post your role(s)


Attend business career events

Recruiting events across Arizona State University are designed to connect you with students from our high caliber and diverse candidate pool who are seeking opportunities across a variety of functions and industries. Create a campus recruiting schedule that takes advantage of endorsed career events.

To register for a W. P. Carey hosted event, please review the following schedule:

W. P. Carey event schedule

To host your own event, please assess the following steps to get started:

  • Step 1: Review existing events to determine if any of those events align with your talent needs
  • Step 2: Create event(s) through Handshake
  • Step 3: Allow two (2) business days to confirm if your event was approved or requires additional information

Interview top candidates

Coordinating candidate interviews with W. P. Carey is strongly encouraged to ensure a successful interviewing experience. Whether you wish to interview candidates virtually, on-site at your organization, or on-campus at W. P. Carey — we are here to support you by coordinating all of the logistics, communication, and scheduling. Schedule interviews through Handshake to select dates, determine your interview schedule, and submit job descriptions. Get more information and tips on interviewing candidates.

Interview top candidates


Connect with student organizations

Identify your next great hire by reaching out directly to students within your target audience, connecting with student organizations, or accessing candidate profiles and/or resumes. Contact your Employer Engagement Portfolio Manager to discuss opportunities that align with your business needs.

Build brand awareness


Office Location


300 E. Lemon Street
BA 109
Tempe, AZ 85287

Interview Center


450 E. Lemon Street
McCord Hall, Suite 302
Tempe, AZ 85287