Want to Impress Employers? Do Some Research!

Career events where you get to meet employers is a unique opportunity you have within business school.  But for some, it can be intimidating.  How do you do it confidently?  The answer is simple: research.  

Research is a critical step in preparing yourself for success at career events—especially in a virtual environment. Employers want to see that you have taken the time and effort to dig in on their industry and company and have given thought to the role they are recruiting for.  

That is, come prepared with insight into industry trends and dynamics, as well as a keen sense of how their company is positioned in the market.  Doing research helps you ask more insightful questions and demonstrates a knowledge and enthusiasm that goes beyond the superficial questions of how the job application process works. 

Where to start? Company websites are a great first step in beginning your research process, but in order to  stand out – don’t stop there.  If you consider that your goal is to stand out–by demonstrating you have a wider understanding of the industry, product, and current events that relate to the company’s performance in the market–you will go deeper.  

Employers want to talk with candidates who are prepared and know how their skills and experiences meet not only the job description, but also the vision and goals of the company so they might contribute for the long term.

Before you plan to attend career events or meet with recruiters this fall, make sure you check out the links below for more information on company and industry research best practices: Schedule an appointment with your career coach in Handshake, and check the resources section of Handshake often for new avenues to do your research.

Researching companies is one dimension to your market research. See resources below for other aspects.

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By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center