How employer events impact your chance of success

If you’re engaging in a job search, you may be focused on job postings and resumes. What if we told you there was a more impactful way to engage with employers looking for top talent? 

It’s important to understand that employers approach recruiting in the same way you would: generating awareness, identifying high potentials, and then closing top matches. Webinars, information sessions, and meet & greets are an integral part of their strategy, allowing them to generate awareness, gauge interest, and identify highly engaged and qualified talent all while sharing what differentiates them as an employer of choice. 

The result for well prepared attendees is the opportunity to make strong connections and increase the chance of an application being considered. Note that showing poorly, or worse not showing up to an event you have registered for at all, will have the opposite effect. In addition to the exposure you’ll receive at employer events, you’ll also benefit from forming a clear understanding of company culture and unique benefits. This will be instrumental in your ability to prioritize your efforts and target opportunities most closely aligned with your goals. 

Schedule an appointment with a career coach here in Handshake to set your strategy for attending employer events, and be sure to view any events you register for as commitments to prioritize and honor. If plans change and you are no longer able to attend, be sure to update your registration accordingly.  The article and links below provide additional information and resources.

How to Succeed at a Hiring Event or Open Interview

Research Resources:

First Research 



Mergent Intellect 

Book of Lists 

Read More Here

By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center