W. P. Carey Alumni Share 4 Best Practices for a Powerful Resume

We asked W. P. Carey Alumni: What is one best practice that you recommend to create a powerful resume?

Here is what they shared:

  • Integrate Job Post Keywords in Your Resume
  • Give Context and Customize
  • Put Together an Online Portfolio of Your Projects
  • Include Detailed Profile Information to Speed Up The Recruiting Process

Integrate Job Post Keywords in Your Resume

One best practice for creating a powerful resume is to include keywords from the job post. This will help to ensure that your resume is highly relevant to the position for which you are applying and will make it more likely to be selected for further review by a hiring manager.

Additionally, including specific skills or qualifications listed in the job post can help demonstrate that you are a strong fit for the role and can help increase your chances of being invited for an interview. It is wise to make a few edits to your resume to align it with different job posts.

Edward Pinela III, MBA, Founder & CEO, MBA ‘17, Lightray Solutions

Give Context and Customize

I graduated from Arizona State University in December of 2018 with a degree in Business Communications from the W. P. Carey School of Business. Since then, I’ve been a SaaS Account Executive and a Corporate Recruiter, and after interviewing hundreds of candidates myself personally, the best step to set yourself up for success is to tailor your previous experiences to the job description.

Even if your direct title is not the same as the title you are trying to attain, many skills can overlap in different functions. Give context to the organizations you have been a part of and explain what your role and value add were while with that organization. Be prepared to speak on how your life experience can translate in a professional setting!

Lastly, make sure your LinkedIn profile is as reflective as your resume – it’s your digital info card and can take you leaps and bounds through the job search process, as well as the best resume-building strategies!

Sam Egan, Account Executive, BS Business Communications ‘18, GRIN

Put Together an Online Portfolio of Your Projects

Including projects on your resume can be an effective way to showcase your passion and expertise in your field. Additionally, by including a portfolio of your projects that is easily accessible online, you can demonstrate your abilities and allow your personality to shine through. This can help to set you apart from other candidates and make a strong impression on potential employers. 

Zoe Jirgens, Marketing Associate, Computer Information Systems ‘20 mberry

Include Detailed Profile Information to Speed Up The Recruiting Process

With remote work becoming more and more common, you may not always think that it’s relevant to include details about your location. But, even if a company supports fully remote work, they may still need to know these details, even just to coordinate interview teams across time zones. Including these details upfront helps recruiters to more easily manage their workflows and can help you move through the recruiting process more efficiently. 

Ashley Beckman, Recruiting & Education Manager, Master’s in Management ‘16, Evoke Melt

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By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center