What is Consulting?

You are interested in consulting, but what exactly is consulting?

  • Industry of Consulting: External consulting firms are accountable to their clients, aiming to deliver value and results based on the agreed-upon scope of work. They are often responsible for providing ongoing support and measuring the impact of their recommendations. Examples of companies would be the Big 4 (KPMG, Deloitte, PwC, EY) & MBB (McKinsey, Bain, BCG).
  • Function of Consulting: Internal consultants are accountable to the organization and its leadership. They work closely with internal stakeholders to ensure their recommendations align with the organization’s goals and strategies and contribute to overall business success. 

While the industry of consulting focuses on providing external expertise to a range of clients, the function of consulting within organizations focuses on internal advisory and problem-solving activities. Both play crucial roles in leveraging specialized knowledge to drive improvements and achieve desired outcomes. 

Now it is time for you to develop your strategy around the industry or functional area that you are looking to pursue. As you begin to flush this out, meet with your Career Coach and leverage your career blueprint and other consulting resources like Management Consulted below:

MBA Resume Template

Career Blueprint

Management Consulted

Consulting Industry Map

Management Consulted: What Consulting Is

So What Do Consultants Really Do?

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By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center