How to create a successful networking plan

Success in networking takes time, planning, and research. Being intentional will allow you to build a successful network. To get started, it is essential to identify what industry, function, and companies you are interested in so that you can craft a targeted networking strategy in service of your career goals. 

Once you have identified your top companies, it is time to create a plan of who you want to connect with and how you are going to make those connections. Utilize professional social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Handshake, to begin conversations. You can also use Handshake to see what events and job opportunities are tied to each employer. It is up to you to actively seek out events, fairs, and other opportunities like coffee chats where you can meet new people. Be organized and have a system in place to track your outreach and make note of your progress.

When connecting with potential employers, be authentic. Come from a place of curiosity and show genuine interest in others. After meeting someone, make sure to maintain contact. Following-up demonstrates reliability and professionalism. 

Schedule an appointment with your Career Coach to discuss your networking strategy in further detail. Create your networking plan by connecting with contacts via LinkedIn, and discover events & fairs in Handshake. To hear from W. P. Carey alumni about their advice on networking, watch this video. Check out the additional resources below to learn more:

Networking 101

W. P. Carey Networking Model

Why It’s Important to Connect on LinkedIn

Consider Building on Your Connection with a Second Meeting

W. P. Carey Alumni Share 7 Tips for Successful Virtual Networking

Read More Here

By W. P. Carey Career Services Center
W. P. Carey Career Services Center