How to Leverage the Law, Global Politics & Public Service Public Policy Map

  When deciding on a major or looking for experiential learning opportunities, the first question you need to answer for yourself is, “What can I do with this major?” Careers where the knowledge, skills, and qualifications developed within your major …

Unlock Your Potential: Reasons Why a Career Coach is Essential in Today’s Job Market

Today’s job market resembles a dynamic ecosystem, constantly shifting and adapting to technological advancements, economic trends, and global events. Traditional career paths are no longer as straightforward as they once were, with emerging industries and evolving job roles reshaping the …

10+ Jobs for Communications Majors

Communicating is something we all do, though some of us do it better than others! And if you’re studying communications or have thought about it, you may be wondering what jobs for communications majors are out there. While nearly every …

Successful career management starts with identifying career goals

We often think we have to have the perfect linear career plan.  In reality, a career is more of a winding journey than a straight path. W. P. Carey students who identify their career objectives early on will be able …

Be Prepared, Be Knowledgeable, Be Employed

As you progress through the MSFIN program, we encourage you to define your career direction early. By taking the time to do so, you will set yourself up for a more productive and fruitful job search process.  Why is this …

What “Panic Engagement” Is and How to Avoid It

You may be thinking, “All of my friends have internships or jobs lined up, but I am not seeing anything that matches my interests!” Such thoughts can lead to “panic engagement,” a term used to describe the stress you may …

Start Your Concentration Discovery For Future Success

As an incoming W. P. Carey MBA student, there are a lot of resources available to you. Over the next two years you will work closely with the full-time MBA career coaching team. Accordingly, we would like to introduce you …

Which Marketing career path is right for you?

So you’re interested in marketing, but what does that mean in terms of aligning skills and interests? Using the Marketing Career Map can help guide decision making. It is separated into 4 main buckets of interest, then fans out by …

What Is A Boutique Consulting Firm?

You have probably heard of boutique consulting firms, but what does “boutique” actually mean and how will that impact the work you would do? Think of a boutique shop in your local downtown area. They have tailored products available to …

What is Consulting?

You are interested in consulting, but what exactly is consulting? Industry of Consulting: External consulting firms are accountable to their clients, aiming to deliver value and results based on the agreed-upon scope of work. They are often responsible for providing …